Thank you for choosing to study Chinese Mandarin with IWLP. 

Students with any prior knowledge of Chinese must take this test. This includes anyone who has taken an exam at school, studied Chinese without taking an official exam, spent time in a Chinese speaking country, or even with a relative/friend who speaks Chinese... This is to ensure that you are placed in the best module for you. Even if you have learnt even a small amount of the language through self study please attempt the test.  Sometimes students from particular linguistic backgrounds are able to join the stage 2 module and progress more quickly. Even if you feel you have forgotten most of what you used to know, it will come back more quickly than you think.

The placement test is made up of 3 parts:

  1. General information including Linguistic Background
  2. Self assessment of language knowledge
  3. Knowledge test

Complete part 1 fully and 2 and 3 as much as you can.  Please attempt the writing section, even if you can only manage a few words. 

Do not seek any help to complete the test, otherwise you may end up being placed in the wrong module.